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Investigating the Alleged CoWin Database Breach in India: Understanding the Facts and Implications

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Recent reports have highlighted a potential breach of India's CoWin database, the repository of confidential personal information for millions. While the government denies the claims, conflicting statements and ongoing investigations complicate the situation.

Understanding the Alleged Data Leak:
Preliminary investigations by the Minister of Electronics and Technology suggest a CoWin data leak, where a Telegram bot granted access to app details upon entering phone numbers. IndianCert found evidence supporting a breach compromising the

personal data of millions.

Evidence of the Breach:
The Fourth, a local media outlet, initially reported on the breach, showcasing how a Telegram bot exposed personal data of politicians in Kerala. The leaked information included sensitive details like birth dates, vaccination registration IDs, locations, genders, and phone numbers. Multiple news organizations verified the accuracy of the information obtained.

Security Concerns and Response:
Cybersecurity experts express concern about the breach and the absence of a security

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from IndianCert. The leaked data involves minors and adults, raising privacy concerns. The Indian government has launched an official inquiry to assess the extent and implications of the alleged data leak.

Previous Incidents and Denials:
CoWin has faced previous allegations of security breaches, which the government has denied. In June 2021, claims of a hack and sale of data for 150 million Indians were refuted. Similarly, in January of the previous year, the

National Health Authority assured the public of the database's safety and security.

The alleged CoWin database breach in India has ignited controversy and concerns regarding data privacy and security. Despite official denials, conflicting statements and ongoing investigations indicate a potential leak of personal data. Thorough investigations and robust security measures are crucial to safeguard sensitive information. Authorities must promptly address any vulnerabilities and reassure the public about the safety of their personal data.


wsn team is a Writer at WSN TIMES and has been covering the latest news. He covers a wide variety of news from early and late stage.

wsn team